Bullet Points In The Writing Process

Words: 826
Pages: 4

Many people procrastinate and dread the idea of writing papers. However, writing is an essential key function because it helps create ideas. It gives an insight on how people feel, it establishes communication, and it improves our thinking skills. The invention process is the most difficult part of writing because many people are hesitant to expose their feelings when they write with the dilemma of proceeding, especially when a subject is limited. Nevertheless, in order to begin a good paper, it is essential to brainstorm bullet points, create a hook sentence, a thesis statement, and ultimately have a good conclusion. When people receive a new writing assignment, they often find it difficult to start on the first few paragraphs. It is exceptionally useful to utilize bullet points when you start your paper, because you can brainstorm your thoughts from your past experiences and provide information that you know now through history and …show more content…
A thesis statement is the last sentence of the first paragraph that summarizes the main point of your essay with at least three reasons that will be talked about in the next three paragraphs of your body. In order to produce a good thesis statement, you must start with the template, "I believe that... because reason 1, reason 2, and reason 3." After you have filled out your reasons for your argument, it is important to take out the "I believe that" part in order to make your essay sound solid and assertive. Now that you have provided your three reasons in your thesis statement, you can talk about each reason at the beginning of the next three paragraphs in the body of your paper. In each paragraph, you can use your facts and cases as a part of your web outline. This helps fabricate your bullet points into streaming sentences with transition words and vocabulary to make your sentences flow easily all throughout your