Bullying: Bullying and Older Age Groups Essay

Submitted By Xoxctxoxdance1
Words: 572
Pages: 3

Cristina Tinney
Contemporary Issues
Position paper

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. In older age groups such as teens and adults, bullying also occurs. Hazing, harassment, and stalking are all forms of bullying. People who bully others have physical strength, available embarrassing information, or popularity. Bullies cause serious problems for their victims. Bullying is an issue that many people have to deal with. It can cause lifelong psychological effects. Many victims of bullying need counseling or therapy. Bullying can lead to depression, panic attacks, and physical ailments such as ulcers. Bullying can also cause academic suffering. Those who are victims avoid going to school. Or they go to school in fear or with stress. Bulling does not have to be someone’s reality. If a person is being bullied in school, they should notify a parent, teacher, or counselor. If a person is a witness, it is their responsibility to take the steps in order to resolve the problem or tell an adult right away. If a person does not say anything they could cause further damage to the victim. Not saying anything is almost as bad as the bully itself. At schools there are codes of conduct. The Massachusetts Law on Bullying states “Each school district, charter school, non-public school, approved private day or residential school and collaborative school shall develop, adhere to and update a plan to address bullying prevention and intervention in consultation with teachers, school staff, professional support personnel, school volunteers, administrators, community representatives, local law enforcement agencies, students, parents and guardians…” What makes bullies become bullies is the strong need for domination. People who become bullies are impulsive and easily angered. They are defiant and aggressive to their peers, teachers, and parents. Usually they are physically stronger. Bullying becomes a normal type of behavior developing as early as in kindergarten. People believe that once a victim of bullying is likely to become a bully to others. Some kids are just cruel in general. Peer pressure is a