Our human resource representative and my manager scheduled a meeting with me to discuss all that had been happening. I did not want to speak to them because I had wanted this job for a long time; therefore, I was not going to let a disrespectful man drive me out of there in any kind of way. They pulled video footage that showed him trying to touch me and me pushing him away. After a period of time, they got me to speak up. They had me sign paperwork before we really got started talking, stating that I would not in any form be retaliated against in any kind of way. Even though they had me sign those papers, deep down I had a bad feeling. I had discussed the entire thing with my best friend who happened to be married to a lawyer. She had urged me to report every little thing he did because her husband said any big corporation would be stupid to retaliate against someone who had so much proof of being sexually harassed. Needless to say, I am glad I took his word because it made the sexual harassment stop and I am still with that company almost 5 years later.
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