Civil Disobedience Research Paper

Words: 875
Pages: 4

“One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.” - Martin Luther King Jr.
Civil disobedience is the act of peacefully breaking an unfair law to make a statement. Some people don’t think civil disobedience would work, and violence and chaos is a way to bring attention to something unfair, but that is not always the case. There are many monumental civil disobedience acts that are still talked about today, and changed the way people thought about certain governments. I believe civil disobedience is an effective method of social change. I believe this because I know that civil disobedience can challenge a larger government, civil disobedience, with a lack of violence, gets people to join your cause, and civil disobedience peacefully brings
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Gandhi and other indians against the passes burned them. The law was eventually changed by the british as they continued to burn the passes. This example of civil disobedience worked with the british abolishing the law afterward. (Site) Gandhi also organized the salt march. The salt march was an act of civil disobedience to go against the salt laws set by the british in india. The british took away the indians salt so they could not preserve food. The salt march was when gandhi and others indians who believe they deserve resources from their country, walked 240 miles from Ahmedabad to the coast of the Arabian sea coast. The people who marched set up salt shops on the beach. The british used violence against the indians, spreading the news that the british are using unfair laws in a country that's not theirs. The british then let india use their salt. (Site) Civil disobedience worked in these situation because gandhi did small movement to break the law and when the british fought back violently they were seen as the bad guys when all gandhi did was break the law with simple notion. This also shows how unfair the law is to the punishment making the government rethink the law itself, usually leading to it being …show more content…
Rosa parks was an african american women living with segregation. She was using the bus in Montgomery, Alabama when she decided to sit in a seat and a white man had to stand. The law at the time was that a white person should not be left standing on the bus. The white passenger warned Parks about calling the police because she didn’t move. When the police arrived they arrested her and her belongings were under police custody. After this incidents, many african americans boycotted using the bus in montgomery. This lead to the bus systems losing money and the government eventually abolishing the law. Civil disobedience worked in this situation because many of the montgomery bus company income came from the african americans and when they refused to use the buses and walked instead the bus company lost a lot of money. It was not enjoyable walking ut they knew a change needed to be made. As people kept hearing of the incident and bus protest, many move activists joined in without violence, but just by refusing to take the