Civil Disobedience Research Paper

Words: 602
Pages: 3

Everybody will like have the right to be free and be peaceful as in the past years they were slaves with no freedom, but fought really hard to pass the laws of freeing slaves. The laws that were passed to have a free society will be to have a positive reaction to be no more slaves. As Martin Luther King Jr. he passed the law to let the slaves be free as we was giving his speeches for the people to believe in him to make a difference in the slaves world to be free. In the case of Rosa Parks when she was in the from tot the bus whenever she was support to be sitting in the end for been black as showing the way that the law been passed to let the blacks sit in the front will have been a positive society. The blacks suffer of having to work more for less money even …show more content…
Every law should be made for the states for a goos cause as to make a difference to the people to live better lives. The Civil Disobedience of almost every black was to make justice and fight for what was right to make the laws change and fight for rights taken away from the blacks. Not only the heroes of people who were blacks and fought to make a difference to the blacks life's were seen as special people who did everything they could no get their rights back. Not for all the time the people who were fighting was for been bad people because they were doing it for a good purpose to do something of a big issue face in everyday lives. Anybody will do anything to fight for their future or rights that were taken away as everybody will want peace in the world. It is right whenever anybody that fights for their justice even if they are going against the law because they are doing it fro something right. The world has been getting worst and worst as how the people have been using violence and no freedom to do what somebody wants as having the law of freedom pass out that still people judge others for who they