Civil Disobedience Research Paper

Words: 556
Pages: 3

In todays world to many people do not understand the constitution and what it truly means for our country and for out government. There are riots in the streets and civil disobedience in a rare sight to behold. Civil disobedience has been a part of our country from the time that is was founded. Our very country began because there were men and woman who did not agree with the laws placed over them. The United States of America have a constitution written by the very hands that freed our nation from tyranny. In the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson outlined the laws and misdeeds of the King and why the people of the colonies would no longer live under his rule. In so doing he untied the people and brought to the attention of the Kings the minds of the people. There was no way that the colonists would continue to live under the …show more content…
If the people disagree with a law passed by authorities they have the right to oppose it in a civil manner. It is a shame that in today’s world civility has been lost. It seems that the people of the United States have forgotten where they came from and why. They are now in the streets causing riots and destruction and as mindless animals have lost the ability to speak and act with civil intentions and words. The government is there to serve and protect the people. To serve when the people are educated in the area of governing and law. And to protect from foreign threats as well as to protect from those who would destroy the balance of the nation from within. The people have the right to oppose a tyrannical or even a faltering government in a civil way. If the morals of the people and the government vary it is then that the people must reform the government or the government must look to history and the Constitution to govern a morally lost