Business Persuasive Essay

Submitted By Adrian-Mique
Words: 415
Pages: 2

BUS 212
Lawry, R
November 9, 2012

Dr. Stu Pidaso,
Akron University
0000 Buchtel Ave,
Akron, OH

Long live the Zips! As president of the student government, I come to you with great enthusiasm for change. This is a new change that is familiar coming from presidents before, but different in the sense of a new perspective. For years Akron University has been ranked low in our standards for GPA and College-Job ratio. As a proud Zip, I cannot stand for nothing less than the best, and come with a simple direction that only you can help us with: To make available to students the old exams of professors. Information should be shared, not held captive. In many countries we see the effects of information being withheld or filtered. Creativity is sparse and unique minds are not encouraged. Imagine if the internet was blocked. Recently, Wikipedia was down to strike back against the internet being limited with space. All over social media students of many backgrounds were outraged from the information now withheld. Although it is known that Wikipedia is not a credible source, we use it nonetheless to direct us to the right source.
If the University would hold old exams in a secure area such as the library, students would no longer speak taboo of “old exams” but be enriched by the value of such a document and how we can all learn from it. Not only students, but Professors will no longer recycle exams and be encouraged to be creative in their examinations. Libraries would have a new section called Historical Examinations organized by date. Imagine more students off Wikipedia and more in the library!
