Joshua Esqueda
March 4, 2013
James Boykin
Joshua's Records
Table of Contents Introduction ………………………………………………………………3. Types of organizational systems for Elijah’s Record store………….4.
Business intelligence systems
Expert information systems
Office automation systems
Electronic commerce systems
Transaction processing system
Table of Advantages & disadvantages of Information Systems……5. Conclusion………………………………………………………………..6.
Joshua’s records have everything from cd’s, movies, records, and music memorabilia anything that is to enjoy an explosive audio experience. With that in mind we need information systems to help produce a successful business. Collecting data and discovering what the need of the consumer is to create a convenient and comfortable environment so that our customers embrace the full experience of our store. In the following proposal the advantages and disadvantages of information systems available will be explained.
Types of Information Systems
Transaction processing system- The team will use this system to manage the transactions that are processed. The system will help be efficient with all transactions made in the store, online, payroll, and supply. Transaction processing system will collect data related to common revenue and expenses made.
Office Automated Systems- This system is used to keep our team organized with all that will be going on we will use this system to create work schedules for the team. Office Automated system will also help develop documents (word processing and desktop publishing software), schedule resources (electronic calendars), and communicate (email, voice mail, videoconferencing, and groupware) (Rainer & Cegielski, 2011).
Electronic commerce systems- This system will help the company make transactions from business-to-business as well as business to consumer. This will allow consumers and other businesses interested in our market to get on our network or website and conduct business with our business.
Expert systems- This system will attempt to duplicate the work of human experts by applying reasoning capabilities, knowledge, and expertise within a specific domain. These systems are primarily designed to support knowledge workers (Rainer & Cegielski, 2011).
Business Intelligence- systems provide computer-based support for complex, nonroutine decisions, primarily for middle managers and knowledge workers. (They also support lower-level managers, but to a lesser extent.) These systems are typically used with a data