CBT: Complex And Integrative Behavioral Therapy

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Pages: 2

The numerous strategies that comprise CBT reflect its complex and integrative history which includes conditioning, modeling, cognitive restructing, problem solving, and the development of personal coping strategies, mastery, and a sense of self-concept. Thus, several behavior therapists contributed to a renaissance of interest in psychopathology emphasizing the role of dysfunctional thinking patterns with coping and emotional disorders.
These behavioral therapists contributed to three generations of psychotherapy. The first generation was known as the traditional behavior therapy. This is the generation that introduced the learning theory. This theory was composed of the classical and operant conditioning. During the 1950’s and 1960’s, this framework was the essential to differentiate behavior therapy from other clinical methods. Thus, the second generation behavior therapist seek to change dysfunctional behaviors. During the period of the 1970’s, the conditioning theory faded. There was a shift that taking place. They used the method of changing the client’s thoughts that cause and perpetuate them. Thus, the second generation was considered as a learning research bases that examined cognitive mediators of learning.
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CBT is a form of psychotherapy that aims at modifying behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes of the clients. The client’s cognitive styles and expectation is also aim to modify of CBT (Galeazzi & Meazzini, 2004). The study of irrational thoughts (Ellis, 1977) and cognitive schemata of mental illness (Beck, 1993) has identified how certain errors of cognition can be pervasive in certain types of patients and, for each of these, a variety of techniques are aimed at changing negative automatic