CLABSI Prevention Model

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Pages: 4

The presence of infections in a hospital setting is a common occurrence. Infections disrupt multiple systems within the body, which can lead anywhere from a minor infection to multi-organ system failure and subsequently death. However, a concern is when an infection is hospital acquired such as a central venous line associated blood stream infection (CLABSI). Many people know that proper hand hygiene decreases the chances of infection, and is simply the first measure to take in prevention. Hand hygiene is an intervention that is a common knowledge and a common practice, however there is are still occurrences of CLABSIs while associated within the adult Intensive Care Unit (ICU) setting.
An education program to cover CLABSI prevention as it pertains to technique, equipment, antiseptic solution and knowledge can assist in the prevention efforts within this critical setting. Many patients within the adult ICU receive a central line or central venous catheter (CVC) due to the severity of their illnesses. Also, many patients in the adult ICU have multiple medications going
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There will likely be push back from personnel who do not want to complete the education or simply just want to continue practicing their current ways. However, quality improvement measures are what drive change in the workplace. A tool to utilize is the ACE Star Model, which addresses the implementation of new knowledge into practice for the interdisciplinary members within the facility to improve quality efforts (CCN, 2017). The ACE Star Model is a guide to put best evidence-based practice (EBP) into the workplace for improvement of care. includes a discovery before summarizing the evidence- based practice within the knowledge gained. After analyzing the information, a creation of practice recommendations and implementing the new practice measures before finally evaluating the