CO2 Affecting The Ocean

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Pages: 3

There are many effects of the amount of CO2 mostly the effects in the ocean. CO2 is also known as carbon dioxide. PH is the measurement of acidity levels, the scale goes from 1 to 14. CO2 is produced in multiple ways that we use in everyday life, including: transportation, electricity, etc.. CO2 is also known as carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas. The amount of emissions of carbon dioxide has risen. The ocean is becoming more acidic from the carbon dioxide emissions. Due to carbon dioxide emissions, ocean acidification is taking place. The ocean is getting more acidic from the carbon dioxide. Ocean acidification is harmful to life in the ocean due to the fact that it makes it harder for corals to provide shelter for other organisms. Carbon dioxide has a very big role in the pH and acidity of the water because it dissolves into the water.

CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) can affect the pH in water. The pH level measures how acidic or how much of a base a liquid is. Higher acidity means a lower pH balance, while a lower acidity level means a higher pH balance. CO2 can affect the pH of water in many ways, however those effects may be good or bad. The acidity of the ocean has been
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Since humans are releasing more carbon dioxide the pH of the water in the ocean is decreasing, or “becoming more acidic” (USEPA). Although the pH has gone down 0.1 pH units the water became “more acidic this change represents approximately a 30 percent increase” (NOAA 2015). The CO2 dissolves in the water, when the CO2 dissolves in the water the pH level decreases, however when the pH level decreases it means that the water is more acidic than it was before. Due to the higher acidic level ocean acidification is starting to take place. Ocean acidification occurs when “chemical reactions that reduce the seawater pH, carbonate ion concentration, and saturation states of biologically important calcium carbonate minerals” (NOAA