Can Dogs See Colors

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Pages: 2

Can dogs see what I can see? I have always wondered if dogs could see everything we could. My research topic is about what colors dogs can see. I chose this topic because I was curious about what colors dogs can see compared to human eyesight.

Russian scientists tested several dogs with different colors of paper light or dark yellow or lighter or darker blue. "They put that paper in front of meat boxes, the dogs learned that certain colors mean treat. The researchers put the paper the dogs had been taught to respond in front of the feed box along with another piece of paper that was brighter but a different color to see if a dog trained to respond to light blue would respond to a dark blue instead of a light yellow." (UPI NewsTrac, "Experiment Shows Dogs Can See
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Instead of seeing the rainbow dogs would see it as dark blue, light blue, gray, light yellow, dark yellow, and a really dark grey. Eyes from both dogs and humans have special light catching cells called cones that respond to color, dogs have fewer cones than humans which is why dogs vision isn't as rich as humans.

Dogs can only see two colors, violet and yellow but they can blend the two colors together. The rest of their work appears in shades of grey." Human eyes contain 3 types of light sensitive cones, blue, green, and red." ( Animal Planet,"Can Dogs See Color?") Dogs vision is most similar to a human, but with red green color blindness. Dogs are much more sensitive to motion at a distance. Dogs are also near sighted.

I also did some research on wolves, because I was curious if wolves could see like dogs. Wolves can see more shades of grey and can see much better in the dark. Studies of the wolfs sense of motion have shown that they can detect movement with membranes called rods and cones. One opinion I read in one of the articles, said that wolves can see the world faster than