Can T Buy Me Love Analysis

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Pages: 3

The Beatles tune“Can’t Buy Me Love” permeated the airwaves back in the spring of 1964. Christie, my younger sister, was one of those millions of teen fans who writhed and squealed for the Beatles. My tastes in music were more eclectic and diverse and did not include fainting over rockstars. Besides, I knew money couldn’t buy love yet I observed having money could buy freedom; freedom from my parents’ way of life and a means towards a different and improved lifestyle.
Earning money very early in life gave me a glimpse of the power money can have. Not having money kept me prisoner to the winds of fate rather than master.
My perception of money as a child was we never had any to spare. My Dad contended he sent a Navy allotment yet my mother argued otherwise and struggled to
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My journey is a living testimony to that effect. By finding ways to make money, I became more resilient and resourceful throughout the years. Having three kids in three years as a wife of a Navy seaman during the Vietnam conflict could have meant lean times however I had been prepped for such a challenge. While my husband was deployed, I worked nights as a waitress making good tips; lived in low-income housing; opened a savings account and squirreled away enough to buy our first home within four years!
During my quest to discover ways to make and save more money, I encountered several amazing women who mentored me and encouraged me to start my own business. A new world opened up, revealing the incredible power of how investing money could buy more freedom of choice for my family as well as provide hope for those less fortunate than me.
Adventures, experiences and memories were more valuable to me than acquiring possessions so I found innovative, inexpensive ways for recreation and entertainment. The “ROI” Return on Investment, was a common discussion when making decisions regarding family time, money and