Essay about Capitalism in Marx and Weber

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Pages: 14

The Concept Of Capitalism In Marx And Weber; What Is The Contemporary Relevance Of Their Ideas?

At the later nineteenth century many social and economical ideas were developed because of the past revolutions and the present conflict of individuals and organised assemblies. Capitalism, one of these ideas, leads bourgeoisie to dream of a capitalist society in order to advance their maintain lifestyle and gain wealth. This economic system which is dominated by private business and the principles of production are for profit works in side of the bourgeoisies. The employees, working to these businesses, carry out the production but don’t own it. They produce «commodities» as they are called by Marx, which belong to the
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He distinguished the alienation in labour under capitalism into four types; alienation of the worker from his self, alienation between workers, alienation of the worker from the product and alienation from the act of production itself. To his write “The Holy Family”, Marx says that capitalists and proletarians are equally alienated, but experience their alienation in different ways.

Like the romantic critiques of modern bourgeois civilization, Marx thinks that capitalism introduces the mercenary quantification of social life; a profound deprivation of social relations and a moral regression to pre-capitalist social relations. Since capitalism, is regulated by exchange value and the calculation of profits and the accumulation of capital, tends to dissolve and destroy all qualitative value. He also believed that the power of money is one of the most violent manifestations of capitalist quantification and through the mode of production it denatures all “natural human qualities” in submitting to the money standard.

In a certain sense, capitalism is the omen of historical progress, exemplified by the exponential development of productive forces, thereby creating the material conditions for a new society with solidarity and freedom. But, at the same time, it is also a force of social regression through depressions and crises into the factories. The Great Depression of the 1930s is