Essay about Car Lab- Science

Submitted By fancysexymeee
Words: 1424
Pages: 6

( lubrication, mass, angle of incline, length of ramp, shape of car, mass distribution, composition, wheel size, friction, force of push, air resistance, etc....)
Each team must use numerical data, graphs and measurements to support their conclusions and results.

Technology Resource 1: Science Sleuths Videodisc Chapter A13 "A Day at the Races" Was there cheating in the Pine Block Derby?
Groups of 2-3 take turns selecting clues from list. Teacher/Hired Investigator plays clues to class, each group must write down ideas and conclusions. At each point, the group should check to see how all the information fits the conclusions. At the end, each group hands in their ideas....

CLUES: INTERVIEWS: Loser's Father, Loser, Winner's Father, Winner, Referee, Engineer DERBY VIDEO: DOCUMENTS: Derby Results, Derby Flyer, Referee's Notes LITERATURE SEARCH on words: Races, Race Cars, Weight and Speed, Kirby, Lubrication LAB RESULTS: Lubrication, Weight, X-Rays, Photos

"MOVING ON DOWN" LAB TO FOLLOW..... Purpose: To introduce physics students to a simple experiment with the forces of motion, introduce basic measurements, introduce scientific experimental processes. Using toy cars (borrowed or bought), CBL's, CAPT format....

NAME________________________ DATE________

MOVING ON DOWN You will be investigating a problem related to motion. During this activity, you will work with a partner (or possibly two partners). However, you must keep your own individual lab notes because after you finish you will work independently to write a report about your investigation.(pg 3)

THE PROBLEM The president of a toy company has written to you, asking you to to do research, and to recommend some design changes for their toy car division. Most of their customers let cars roll down ramps, and the company wishes to build toy cars that will fit the customer’s performance needs. Objects move down a ramp because the force of gravity overcomes the force of friction and air resistance. To understand how these factors work together on a moving object, it is necessary to examine specific variables in detail.

YOUR TASKS You and your partner(s) will design and conduct 2 experiments to determine how a factor such as distance, mass, shape, incline, friction, composition changes the speed of a car. You may use a variety of safe moving toy cars, and a variety of methods for measuring the speed and acceleration with clocks, stopwatches, ramps, other cars, protractors, rulers, computer and CBL calculator motion detectors. Equipment from home is welcome. You may even choose to use results from a simulation to help you. You will then use these results to write a letter to a toy company. (pg 3)

MAJOR TASK Pick two factors, based on your preliminary tests, or other knowledge, that you think may affect the speed of a toy car rolling down a ramp, and design at least two experiments, with a control group and several experimental groups, that have quality data to show how the factors you have picked affect the speed. Factors to choose from include: lubrication, mass, angle of incline, length of ramp, shape of car, mass distribution, composition, wheel size, friction, force of push, air resistance, wheel mass distribution, color, etc.... . [pic]

MOVING ON DOWN: THE MATERIALS: You have been provided with the following materials and equipment that you may use. If you have other materials or test equipment that you wish to bring in from home, please let the instructor know!:

Toy cars, plastic, metal, wood Spheres, metal, wood, plastic, rubber Carts Weights Clay Tape Plastic, paper, sandpaper, foil, cloth surfaces wood ramps meter sticks together (grooved) ring stands blocks
Motion probe with Apple II (2) String Rubber Bands Paper Clips
Ti-82 graphing