Cardio Lab Essay

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Pages: 7

Associate Level Material
CardioLab Report

|Full Name |Heather James |
|Date |July 05,2012 |

Use this document to report your findings from the CardioLab Exploration Experiment. The lab report consists of three sections: Data, Exploration, and Lab Summary. • Data: copy any data, graphs, charts, or notes that you have saved in your CardioLab online notebook into this section. • Exploration: Answer the questions. The questions in the Exploration section are the same questions in your CardioLab instructions. • Lab Summary: Write a 100- to 200-word summary.

To copy your data from your online notebook into
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.49 68.9 77.57 1175.59 6.20
0:14 78.67 68.96 77.63 1176.53 6.20
0:15 78.86 69.02 77.68 1177.56 6.20

Activity 2
Time MAP Pulse Stroke Vol TPR Blood Vol
0:00 81.67 69.89 78.15 1194.29 6.20
0:01 81.31 69.77 78.04 1192.41 6.20
0:02 80.95 69.67 77.95 1190.6 6.20
0:03 80.3 69.58 77.86 1184.16 6.20
0:04 79.71 69.5 77.48 1182.74 6.20
0:05 78.91 68.95 77.42 1181.55 6.20
0:06 78.75 68.95 77.38 1180.66 6.20
0:07 78.7 68.96 77.36 1180.06 6.20
0:08 78.67 68.96 77.35 1179.72 6.20
0:09 78.68 68.97 77.36 1179.63 6.20
0:10 78.71 68.97 77.38 1179.74 6.20
0:11 78.76 68.97 77.41 1180.04 6.20
0:12 78.83 68.97 77.44 1180.49 6.20
0:13 78.91 68.98 77.48 1181.06 6.20
0:14 79.01 68.98 77.53 1181.73 6.20
0:15 79.11 68.98 77.58 1182.48 6.20
0:16 79.22 68.98 77.64 1183.28 6.20
0:17 79.34 68.99 77.69 1184.11 6.20
0:18 79.45 68.99 77.75 1184.94 6.20
0:19 79.56