Cardiovascular System, Respiratory System: Muscular System

Words: 1432
Pages: 6

Isobel Ryan

The 1500m sprint is done by many people internationally. There are short term and long-term effects of this event. Some short-term effects are increased heart rate, increased body temperature, increased respiration rate, sweating and muscle pain. While some long-term effects are the heart getting bigger, lungs becoming more efficient at inhaling and increased muscle size.

1. Short-term responses:

Cardiovascular system: Respiratory system: Muscular system:
• Increased heart rate • Increased respiration Rate • Sweating
• Muscle fatigue

Increased heart rate is a short-term response to the 1500m. If anyone decides to run a 1500m their heart rate will increase but whether they had trained or not will affect how much their heart
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During this race my muscles are working constantly for the whole duration and towards the end of the race the muscle energy reserve becomes depleted. Thus resulting in muscle fatigue. This affect that muscle fatigue has on my performance and participation in the event is that towards the end of the race although I try to sprint the last leg, I will not be able to sprint/ run the best of my ability or I could even collapse. At the last leg of the race I feel like I am made of jelly and I can’t feel my legs, I feel like I want to stop and relax affecting my performance in a very negative way. Muscle fatigue is another short-term effect of running a …show more content…
Because the heart is actually a muscle every time that I trained it would be getting stronger as the heart is working harder to pump blood and therefore it is developing more muscle fibers. Having a stronger heart would benefit me hugely. First of all it would be able to pump more blood with each beat and therefore deliver oxygenated blood and remove waste products from the muscles more efficiently, meaning that I wouldn’t be so hot when I ran. It also means that my heart rate would drop so I wouldn’t become as tired when running and it will require less effort for me to supply my muscles with oxygen. A stronger heart comes with many advantages however it doesn’t happen instantly, I would notice a difference after 6-12 months of training hence it being a long-term effect of a 1500m