Warehouseman - 10 Classes - Business Associates
Paralegal - 7 Classes - Paralegal Studies Infantry - 8 Classes - Criminal Justice Associates Infantry - 10 Classes - Business Associates Armor - 8 Classes - Criminal Justice Associates Armor - 10 Classes - Business Associates Kaplan is also working on several other career fields now and a bunch more exciting programs that will save our Soldiers and Families even more time and money. those interested in the degree programs, can call Kaplan at (877) 809-8445. They also can go to http://www.kaplanuniversity.edu/military/special-military-programs.aspx When they call the phone number, they will be given a priority audit and 'Kid Glove' treatment. As a Regionally Accredited University, Kaplan can really help with educational needs from Associates to the highest degree program options!
Additionally, since the launch in 2012 of the AFF/Kaplan University scholarship program, we have awarded nearly 200 academic scholarships valued at