1. How could the nurse address the issue of aggressive medical treatment with Ms. RG? The nurse could address the issue of aggressive medical treatment by answering any questions on what chemotherapy and radiation is and what the side effect are. Explaining to Ms. RG and her family about hospice, answering any question they might have. Also giving them information about what local hospice centers are in the area, and let the family choose the they like. Also involve her family when teaching. The nurse should encourage patient and family participation in health care decision-making. The nurse should collaborate with the care teams to ensure that Ms. RG and her family have current and accurate information about the possibility or probability of her impending death.
2. How could the nurse explain home hospice to her and her …show more content…
How might an understanding of cultural beliefs and practice affect interaction with this patient?
Understanding the cultural beliefs when interacting with a patient is very important. The patient is more likely to adhere to treatment and have better outcomes. The nurse having a cultural understanding may help establish therapeutic relationships and deliver effective care.
The nurse will understand that family is valued over the individual. The Hispanics also seek out Remedios, prayers, curanderos, and over the counter medication before seeking help like this patient did when MS. G went to the curandero. The nurse will understand that there may be language barriers that could lead to poor quality nursing and medical care.
4. What community resources or services might be of benefit to this patient?
Refer the patient to a counselor so she can express her emotions and feelings towards death and dying. Also refer the patient to any support groups or community programs in the area. Also provide Ms. RG with any literature in her language on pancreatic cancer. Another service that could be provided is refer her to financial