Case Analysis: U.S. Budget Essay

Words: 1953
Pages: 8

Case Analysis of U.S. Budget
By: Adrienne Chavis
Professor: Frank Pidgeon
PA 581- Government Budgeting and Finance

This paper discusses the financial complexities of the U.S. Government and its Department of Education. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the funding level of the U.S. Government and its Department of Education. It also reviews several trends that are identified at 2009 actual, 2010 and 2011 amounts for outlays and receipts, and relationship to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It further considers key summary of the budget message of the President of the United States as it is related to issues and economic situations during the financial year 2009 (Office of Management and Budget, 2010). This paper
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For this, agencies will implement the Executive Order signed by the President to restrain improper payments. (Whitehouse, 2009). There are several issues and initiatives outlined, such as the decrease in accountability and reduced the number of earmarks. This document also discusses how the technology gap can be closed, because government employees use more advanced technology at home rather than work.
Department of Education
This section of president’s budget includes certain information related to US department of education.
Major funding Items: The major funding items of United States Department of Education include receipts, outlays, deficit, debts held by the public, debt net of financial assets and Gross Domestic Product (GDP), etc. All of these funding items are essential to prepare an analysis of funding levels for the U.S. Government and its departments. It is estimated that receipts are increased from 2009 to 2010 and 2011. There are some trends determined such as increment in evaluation of high-quality early childhood education, supporting innovative and efficient strategies to get better outcomes. Department of education also stabilizes several student loan programs to help people save money on their taxes.
In addition, outlays were decreased by 9.8% in 2010, but increased in 2011 by 2.1%. The outlays and receipts affect the amount of deficits that continuously decreased in both years (Park, 2011). It is also estimated that GDP will