Cat Neutering Research Paper

Words: 779
Pages: 4

7 Reasons to have your cat neutered or spayed

Year after year, many cat owners decide to get their feline friend neutered or spayed. All cat owners make the decision to neuter or spay their cat for their own different reasons and all of these reasons illustrate why it is a good idea afterall.
Un-neutered or un-spayed pets cause many problems each year. These problems are reasons why many humane societies require promptly neutering or spaying of adopted animals as a condition of adoption. We could alleviate most of problems listed below if more pet owners took the time to neuter or spay their pets.
Neutering and spaying really makes a big difference. For example, in only six years one unaltered female dog and her ofspring produce as much as
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One of the most important reasons to have your cat neutered or spayed is that there are just too many unwanted litters of kittens. We euthanize milions of cats each year. Unfortunately, there are not enough families out there who are looking to adopt cats, although 90% of these euthanized cats would be acceptable for adoption.
2. Unwanted cats that are not adopted or euthanized often end up abandoned and become feral. Most estimates say that the number of feral cats out there is pretty close to one of cats that have homes. Feral cats can even carry diseases and also harm the population of birds and wild rodents. By neutering or spaying your own cat, you ensure that your feline friend wil not become a contribution to this growing problem. 3. Female cats that are not spayed can go into heat a couple of times a year. By having your cat spayed, you will most likely prevent a couple of unwanted behaviors. It will prevent hours ow yowling, spraying, and you won't have to imprison your feline friend for a couple of weeks out of the
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Un-neutered male cats are also much more difficult to care for. Male cats that are sexually mature can often have a need for marking their teritory. Also, un-neutered cats' mating instincts can't be controlled or curbed, and generally these male cats will be wandering of from house for days at a time searching for female cats that are in heat. Sometimes they get lost wandering ad do not return home. You can prevent this by neutering your cat.
5. Your cat will be healthier if neutered or spayed. For example, if spayed before their first heat, female cats have less chance of mammary cancer. Also, they won't be able to develop pyometra, a serious uterine condition that sometimes can cause death. If your cat is already ill or aging, an unwanted pregnancy can also be fatal. Neutered male cats have reduced chances developing prostate problems, or being injured in fights with female cats. 6. Cats that have been neutered or spayed are usually friendlier with their owners than they would normaly be. Not only the cats are more friendly, there are also fewer unwanted behaviors for cats' owners do deal with. It is a lot easier to have a better relationship with your feline friend, especially when she reaches sexual maturity, when one doesn't have to worry about some unfortunate