People may experience belching, diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion, nausea and vomiting. Also common can be skin rashes, weight loss, cramping and itching. Silent Celiac disease usually has no symptoms at all, but can still cause extreme damage to the small intestine without the patient even knowing. Celiac disease also has many mental symptoms like anxiety, depression, mood disorders, ADHD, and schizophrenia ( To detect celiac disease, there are blood tests available, but the most common used is called a tTG-IgA test. For this to work, you must be consuming gluten. They can also do a biopsy on your small intestine if blood results show a high chance. A big way to prevent Celiac disease is to eat gluten-free all the time. It typically takes weeks or even months for symptoms to appear on a baby. But if symptoms are noticed, they do blood tests and a gluten-free diet just like an adult would. To minimize a baby's risk of Celiac disease, you can eat a gluten-free diet while pregnant and breastfeed for at least 6 months. BioLineRX, BL - 7010 strategy involves a drug called BL - 7010 which a large, non absorbable polymer. A study was successfully done in 2014. When taken orally, it prevents the degradation of the protein in gluten which causes the immune response. With gliadin, immune cells are not formed, which