The Importance Of Cell Structure

Submitted By katedelanyxx
Words: 338
Pages: 2

Cell Structure

Plant cells

The ribosomes are the site of PROTEINsynthesis
Controls the movement of substances into and out of the cell such as water and oxygen
Chloroplasts absorb light energy in photosynthesis
The cytoplasm is where the chemical reactions take place in the cell anaerobic respiration
The nucleus controls the activities of the cell it also contains the genetic information
Vacuole contains cell sap and helps to support the cell



The cell wall is made of cellulose
It gives structure to the cell and strengthens it
Mitocondria is where most of the energy is released in aerobic respiration

Animal Cells
Controls the movement of substances into and out of the cell such as water and oxygen
The cytoplasm is where the chemical reactions take place in the cell anaerobic respiration
The nucleus controls the activities of the cell it also contains the genetic information
The ribosomes are the site of PROTEINsynthesis mitocondria Mitocondria is where most of the energy is released in aerobic respiration

What do Animal cells not have?
• Cell Wall
• Chloroplasts
• Vacuole

What do the ribosomes do?
• Ribosomes are the site of PROTEINsynthesis
• (where proteins are made

Are there ribosomes in animal cells?
• Yes

What does the cytoplasm do?
• Cytoplasm is where the chemical reactions take place in the cell
• E.g
• Anaerobic respiration

Is there cytoplasm in animal cells?
• Yes

What does the Vacuole do?
• The vacuole contains