Elodea Cells

Words: 683
Pages: 3

What factorS or structureS might be involved in determining the cells shape?
The factors/structures that might be involved in determining the shape of a cell are cytoskeleton, cell wall and central vacuole.

Compare and contrast the onion cells, elodea cells, and cheek cells. This requires several sentences. Explain any differences you noted other that the difference in shape?
A similarity of of the three cells is that the Elodea cells, onion cells and cheek cells are eukaryotic cells. Also all three cells have a cell membrane, cytoplasms, and a nucleus (not visible in Elodea cells, but we know the existence). Some differences are that the Elodea cells consist of chloroplasts, while the onion cells and cheek cells do not. The onion cells
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Based on my observations and knowledge, the purpose of adding a stain to specimens to be examined with a compound light microscope is to enhance the view of the specimen and to highlight to the motility of certain specimens.

Our text says there are numerous other organelles present in eukaryotic cells but you did not observe them. How can you explain this?
There are numerous other organelles present in eukaryotic cells, but we didn’t observe them because the power of our microscopes isn’t strong enough to view those microscopic little organelles.

Imagine you are given a slide of an unidentified cell. Explain, in detail, how you would determine if it was a plant or animal cell. What structureS, etc. would you look for? This requires you to explain what you should see when looking at a plant as well as an animal cell.
If a slide of an unidentified cell was given, the best way to determine if it is a plant or animal cell is to look for cell wall and chloroplasts. When looking at a plant cell, the cell wall is quite obvious because it creates a parallel boundary with the cell membrane. Comparing this to an animal cell they only have one boundary surrounding them. Next, the chloroplasts are clear to observe because of the green pigmentation it provides, which is not present in animal