Cellular Respiration Lab Report

Words: 140
Pages: 1

Cellular Respiration is the reverse process of photosynthesis, in which glucose is broken down into ATP. There are three steps in this process, Glycolysis, Kreb’s Cycle, and Electron Transport Chain. A total of 36 ATP is produced during this process.

The Overall Equation is: C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP Glucose Oxygen Carbon Water Usable Dioxide Energy
Step 1 : Glycolysis
-Glycolysis means the splitting of glucose
-Location: Cytoplasm
-Reactants: 2 ATP & Glucose
-Products: 2 Pyruvic Acid & 4 ATP
-Gained: 2 ATP
Step 2 : Kreb’s Cycle
-Location: the Matrix of the Mitochondria
-Reactants: 2 Pyruvic Acid & Oxygen