Cellular Respiration Research Paper

Words: 758
Pages: 4

Cellular respiration can be defined as the set of reactions that take place inside a cell to convert energy from nutrients into the high-energy molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP), this energy is used to fuel all the activities of the cell, with the release of waste products (Biology Online Dictionary , 2010). Energy can be defined as the ability to do work; cellular respiration provides energy to do this work in living organisms. Cellular respiration is important as it allows all organisms to undergo all the necessary processes needed to maintain life (Vodopich & Moore, 2018).

Two types of respiration exist, namely aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration. Anaerobic respiration is a type of respiration that occurs without the presence
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This process also occurs in the mitochondria of the cell (Briers, 2012). The NADH produced in the previous stage releases electrons into this electron transport chain stage. Each molecule in the chain has a stronger attraction to each electron. So, the electron passes through the chain until it reaches an oxygen molecule waiting at the end of the chain. Water is produced and released as a by-product. While the electron travels down the chain energy is released which is used for the synthesis of 32 ATP molecules (Keenan, 2017). A diagrammatic representation of the process of cellular respiration is attached in Appendix A. This gives a unique perspective to understanding this process more …show more content…
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