Cesar Chavez Reflection

Words: 567
Pages: 3

Even though I knew that the sophomore english research paper was going to be tough to research, and would require plenty of work hours. Nonetheless, I enjoy writing much more than reading due to the fact that writing is active, while reading is passive. I received a 96% on my freshman history term paper, so I was motivated and excited to complete this year’s paper and hopefully obtain an A. When I acquired the list of research paper topics, I quickly scanned the list and had made a decision of which topics I would love to be assigned to, which topics I did not want, and which topics I was impartial to. As I pulled the colorful disc out of the box, I hoped and prayed that I would choose a topic that I would be interested in. Alas, my disc number …show more content…
The topic of research on Cesar Chavez fell into my category of topics that I was impartial to receiving. I wasn’t thrilled, but I wasn’t upset either. Unlike fellow classmates, I knew who the person I was researching was, and I had an idea of what he did, so I was a small step ahead of those who had never heard of the person they would be researching. That night, the first thing I did when I got home was google, “Cesar Chavez”. Immediately my computer screen was filled with photos, videos, and articles, some articles regarding Chavez were even posted that day! At that moment, I knew that researching Cesar Chavez was going to be painless due to the fact of the accessibility of articles and media produced relating to Chavez; but, I figured I would have a difficult time filtering which information was the most important as a result of the multiple sources that were found on him. However, it was quite effortless to find about five excellent sources on Chavez’s early life, activism adventures, and contribution to today’s society. Actively writing the paper was not as hard of a task as I presumed it to be. Comparing Cesar Chavez’s story to Andrew Manson’s in The Citadel was quite easy due to the fact that they both had similar