Cesar Chavez Research Paper

Words: 1047
Pages: 5

There are many people in the world looking to accomplish some sort of goal, whether it’s to ace that test, win the gold medal, or get something to happen in their community. It may look easy, but there are many hardships that come along with trying to fulfill a goal. Like human rights activists, they are trying to change and improve what’s happening in the world around them; a few of them are Mother Jones, Cesar Chavez, and Malala. Mother Jones strived at changing children’s and workers rights, Cesar Chavez made a change in (mainly) the farm workers community, and Malala currently speaks out for women and educational rights. Although Malala, Cesar, and Mother Jones all fought for different types of human rights, they all had to persevere and …show more content…
Being the brave one amongst the people, she never gave up in fighting for these kids. For example, when she spoke out to a crowd in Philadelphia, the city officials simply closed their doors and windows, not caring for what she had to say (Josephson). Jones’ speeches were reported in the papers, grabbing the attention of citizens, from this, she quickly formed ideas of other things she could do to help the situation. In addition, Mother Jones put a lot of effort into marching to the President’s house, but she ran into many dilemmas on the way, “The temperature rose into the nineties. The roads were dusty, the children’s shoes full of holes. Many of the young girls returned home. Some of the marchers walked only as far as the outskirts of Philadelphia” (Josephson). After getting the word out of what she was doing and taking action, it was difficult to keep on considering the conditions, but she wouldn’t give up no matter what. Besides the environment, even people would shut her out and challenge her, “They had traveled about forty miles in three days. At first, police told the group they couldn’t enter the city. Trenton mill owners didn’t want any trouble” (Josephson). Mother Jones was rejected from places like Trenton, New Jersey, but with her perseverance she made it through and led her group successfully through. She made incredible change in the …show more content…
Over the course of her life she has experienced many troubling situations because of what she stands up for. For example, at a very young age, she was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman because of the publicity she was getting they were able to track her down (Biography.com). Malala ended up surviving this attack and it actually gained her more support on her cause. Also, even before this attempted assassination she was already in danger, “Malala and her family learned that the Taliban had issued a death threat against her because of her activism. Though Malala was frightened for the safety of her father — an anti-Taliban activist — she and her family initially felt that the fundamentalist group would not actually harm a child” (Biography.com). She had spoken out on multiple occasions about how the Taliban were taking away her and other women’s rights to education, which resulted in these threats. In the end, she has fought for her own life and others lives, but has came out victorious in her battle for women’s education, gaining her publicity for what she is doing, “Her activism resulted in a nomination for the International Children's Peace Prize in 2011. That same year, she was awarded Pakistan's National Youth Peace Prize” (Biography.com). Malala has persevered through difficult times, from gunshots to threats, but today she still stands tall, making a change in the community.With the