Challenger Space Shuttle Research Paper

Words: 920
Pages: 4

On January 28, 1986, the American shuttle orbiter Challenger broke up 73 seconds after liftoff and brought a devastating end to the spacecraft’s 10th mission. The disaster claimed the lives of all seven astronauts aboard. NASA had initially wanted to put man on the moon through the Apollo program. However, as Apollo was nearing completion, the cost of the Vietnam War was rising. As an alternative to the expensive Apollo program, the Space Shuttle program was proposed. On January 5, 1972, President Nixon approved the new program. The mission of launching the Challenger space shuttle was initially set for January 22, 1986. However, due to weather and technical problems, the launch was delayed by six days. The morning of January 28 was unusually cold. The engineers became concerned and issued warnings that particular components, specifically the rubber O-rings that sealed the joints of the shuttle’s solid rocket boosters, were susceptible to failure at low temperatures. Shortly after the disaster, President Ronald Reagan appointed a special commission to figure …show more content…
28, 1986, was flawed because one of the pieces wouldn't hold up in the cold temperatures predicted for that day. He and other scientists explained this to NASA the night before launch, however their objections were disregarded. He then refused to sign off on the required launch recommendation report, even though he knew that his career could be at risk.When he heard that a cold front was coming in on the scheduled launch day, McDonald alerted some of the other engineers to look into how the low temperatures would affect the O-rings which are the circular pieces of rubber that span 12 feet in diameter that seal the metal cylinders of the rocket booster together so that no gases can escape. McDonald knew that in cold temperatures, the rubber hardens and loses its