Changing Business Essay

Submitted By Pong24
Words: 1467
Pages: 6



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Message from the President

The Siam Cement Group (SCG) pledges its commitment to an environmental management, incorporating environmental initiatives throughout its business operations. The Group has been widely acclaimed by society as well as the government and business sectors alike as a leading company in the practice of environmental conservation activities. To address the emerging trends in green procurement, the concept adopted by many leading international enterprises, SCG has implemented green procurement as a tool to enhance efficiency in environmental management throughout the supply chain. Although green procurement in Thailand is still in its infancy with only few environmentally sound suppliers, the Group sees it necessary to take on this challenge to promote change and heighten environmental awareness among all stakeholders. The Green Procurement Guidelines formulated by The SCG
Environmental Conservation and Safety Committee provides implementation guidelines for use in conjunction with the procurement procedure of each business unit.

Chumpol NaLamlieng
The Siam Cement Public Company Limited


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1. The Green Procurement Guidelines initiate criteria for the selection and purchase of materials and services with consideration to their environmental impact throughout the supply chain from manufacturing, usage through final disposal of end-of-life products.
2. The Green Procurement
Guidelines are to be incorporated appropriately into the procurement procedure of all companies in the


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Criteria for Green Procurement

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1.2 ¢—ÈπµÕπ°“√„™âß“π
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The criteria for Green