Matt Brown
Professor Gingerella
Writing Assignment #8
October 27, 2014
Question #3: What types of teams would be effective for incremental innovation?
Radical Innovation?
Answer: Teams are necessary for organizations to further the organization by creating goals and performing tasks of the organization’s process. Teams are different from groups because they have a common purpose, skills, goals, and are accountable for each other more so than a group. Depending on the goals and level of growth and innovation the team is to reach, certain types of teams should be created within an organization. For a team with incremental innovation for the organization in mind; the team is focused on process improvements. Examples of teams to focus on Incremental
Innovation are: Functional Teams, Problem-Solving Teams, and Project Focused
Teams. For a team with Radical Innovation in mind, the team usually has a focus of new products and methods. Examples of teams to focus on Radical Innovation are: CrossFunctional Teams, Developmental Teams, Permanent Teams. The autonomy of each type of innovation would be determined by the management and team leader.
Question #4: What are the barriers to effective team implementation? How would you overcome these barriers?
Answer: While working with multiple people, there will always be barriers. Even highly strategically created teams will face barriers to effective implementation. Some of these barriers may be: Resistance to Change, Lack of Proper Direction, and Threats to
Employee Security. As an organization leader, you must be prepared for these barriers and have a plan of action to overcome these barriers. To combat Resistance to
Change, build trust amongst the team members and organization members. Prepare them for change through constant communication, conflict resolution strategies, and effective HR practices. To combat Lack of Proper Direction, have the absolute best team leader possible for the team. The leadership of teams is crucial to their success from resource allocation to communication to the entire organization to building that trust mentioned earlier. To combat Threats to Employee Security, ensure autonomy across the organization and the team. Develop a common belief in the team’s mission and create open communication between all members of the team. Open communication will help identify threats early and stop them before they start.
ENTR 310
Question #5: What are the important steps in a team decision-making or problemsolving process?
Answer: Teams make decisions or solve problems for the organization. A team should have a strategic though process of tackling these issues. The first step of the decision making process is Identifying or Defining the Problem. Take the time to assess the major issues and get down to the core of the problem. The second stage to the decision making process is to Generate