1 Communication Skills: Demonstrate the ability to apply the principles of Small Group Communication theory and improve group communication.
2 Critical Thinking: Demonstrate the ability to critically analyze and evaluate group communication including: roles, conflict management, diverse viewpoints, leadership, and principled negotiation within the group process.
3.Global Awareness and Social Justice: Research, prepare, present, and negotiate a group project/presentation focusing on socially and culturally significant topics and advocate for social change.
4 Personal Responsibility, Ethics, and Civility: Cooperatively work in a group and demonstrate personal responsibility, ethics, and civility and communication.
5 Technology: Demonstrate proficient use of technology in group discussions and presentations.
6 Aesthetics and Creativity: Demonstrate the ability to use creativity and brainstorming techniques in a group.
In order to accomplish the course learning outcomes, you agree to:
*Attend Class Regularly
*Participate in discussions and activities
*Take risks
*Be considerate of others and their points of view
*Analyze your own behavior in a group and change, modify or enhance it!
In order to accomplish the course learning outcomes, I agree to all of the above and to be: Concise and clear, an active listener, open-minded and challenging.
Course Activities and Assignments
1. Activities and exercises.
2. Lectures and assigned readings.
3. Participation in groups/class projects. 4. Analysis Papers to evaluate behavior in your assigned group.
Class Policies
1. Attendance: You may miss one class for whatever reason. All misses beyond that will result in the loss of 25 points per day, no matter why you miss class. The exception is that you may not miss the class project or the final class day.. You must arrive on time and stay for the entire class. Arriving late hurts your group. You are responsible for getting missed materials and lecture notes from classmates. Do not ask the instructor for materials if you are late or were absent. If an unforeseen crisis arises, you will need to drop this class because of the time factor and its intensive nature. It is the student’s responsibility to drop the course, failure to do so, could result in an F grade!
2. Assignments: Your homework should be turned in on time and in person to the instructor. Please do not send assignments via email or in other mailboxes at school. If you are sick or unable to attend class, you may have someone else turn in a paper for you (in person). Please put your name on the back of the last page. Papers and homework must be turned in within the first 15 minutes of class on the day they are assigned to be considered for full points. Each day the assignment is late, deduct one letter grade. No late homework will be accepted during the last week of school!
4. Disabilities: I encourage all students with physical/learning disabilities to see me privately within the first week of class. We can brainstorm and negotiate ways to accommodate your needs.
5. Extra Credit: No extra credit will be given. Please do your best on every assignment. I will do my best to help you with assignments before they are due. I can easily look over the content of your papers; however, if you are having problems with grammar and sentence structure you will need to find a tutor. I strongly encourage students with difficulty writing to seek help from the Writing Center.
6. Class Topics: We will be dealing with controversial issues and subjects in this class which you may find upsetting. You always have the right to quietly refrain from participating in an activity or excusing yourself from listening to material you find disturbing.
7. Grades: Furthermore, if you believe a grade you have received is unfair, confusing, or incorrect, please talk with me within a few days of receiving that grade. Please wait one day