• Academic advisors should refer a student to counseling services with faced with “triggers” such as “the expressed inability to cope with day-to-day responsibilities of being a student such as attending classes, studying, and completing assignments on time” … these “may be influenced by personal problems, emotional disorders, or other sources of stress that advisors are not trained to handle.” (216)
• “no unified theory of academic advising, but … a multitude of theories are relevant to it.” (218)
• “three components or elements of effective advisor training: informational, relational, and conceptual.” (218) o informational: “includes detailed information on institutional and programmatic policies and procedures that advisors need to be aware of when working with students.” o Relational: “includes the interpersonal skills an advisor needs in order to engage students in the advising process.” o Conceptual: “includes what advisors need to know about the institutional mission, student learning, and the developmental theories that guide and support students in the academic careers. This component incorporates the idea that academic advising is much more than simply helping the student select and schedule courses.” o “the informational component is the one typically emphasized in advisor training and development. This is unfortunate, because it means little time is typically spent on the relational and conceptual aspects of academic advising.” (219)
• O’Banion’s advising model: “five-step approach to developmental advising involving (a) exploration of life goals, (b) exploration of career goals, (c) selection of a major, (d) selection of courses, and (e) scheduling of courses.” (220)
• “the advising needs of students [are] more informational and prescriptive for incoming 1st-year students and … more consultative and developmental over students’ sophomore and junior years.” (220)
• “Praxis advising”: “combines providing students with expert advice on course selection while also engaging them in discussions regarding their academic majors” (220) – hybrid of prescriptive and developmental
• “a meeting with a student for 15 minutes once a semester at a designated time hardly allows for anything beyond prescriptive advising.” (221)
College Student Perceptions and Ideals of Advising: An Exploratory Analysis – College Student Journal – Christian, Tiffany Y.; Sprinkle, Julie E.
• “Regardless of student and faculty personal feelings, academic advising is important for all parties involved.” (271)
• “Advising ensures students are enrolled in courses they need to graduate, that students are enrolled in courses they want to take for personal interest, professional interest, or enrichment, that faculty have the opportunity to indoctrinate students into the goals, objectives, and ethics of their chosen profession, and finally, quality advising increases student retention rates…” (271)
• “Prescriptive advising”: “the faculty member tells the student which courses to take and when to take them. The faculty member is viewed as the authority and the student has little input into the advising process.” (272)
• “Collaborative advising”: “involves mutual discussion and decision-making about which courses to take, when to take those courses, and underscores the salience of faculty-student mentoring. The collaborative approach entails the student and faculty member developing an individual plan of study for the student together, rather than the limited student