Chicago World's Fair Research Paper

Words: 690
Pages: 3

The Chicago World's Fair of 1893 lasted for 6 months. People from all over the world came to visit this magnificent attraction with over 27 million visitors, 65,000 exhibits, 6,000 lecture speeches, and countless inventions. The Chicago World's Fair brought us all of these amazing exhibits that made the Chicago World's Fair of 1893 a great part of history.

The main attractions at the Chicago World's Fair of 1893 were the stunning inventions, many never seen before by many visitors. Among these amazing inventions were the automatic dishwasher, fluorescent lightbulb, zippers, Cracker Jack Popcorn, the Ferris Wheel, the electric oven, and Wrigley's Chewing Gum. All of these are seen and widely used in the modern world. Many famous inventors were at the fair too, such as H.J. Heinz, Milton Hershey, Thomas Edison, and Nicola Tesla. Though these inventions have been developed since 1893, the Chicago World's Fair has been a huge milestone.
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The experience of witnessing new inventions or gorgeous pieces of art is just unmatchable. It truly is an engineering marvel. A fun experience at the Chicago World's Fair of 1893 was Thomas Alva Edison's kinetoscope. His kinetoscope was an early version of the movie projector. Combined with Edison's phonograph, he could play a movie with sound.

The Electricity Building dominated the exhibits at the World's Fair. Visitors were dazzled when they saw all of the electric machinery, telephones, telegraphs, motors, and most certainly, lightbulbs. Lightbulbs are a huge step forward in the world of innovation. Before lightbulbs, people used gaslights and woodstoves, which were all very dangerous. The lightbulb was a safe alternative to the smelly and polluting lights that people had been using. Thomas Alva Edison's 82-foot-tall Tower of Light lit up the sky with 18,000 different light