Social/emotional and behavioral moral 0-1 years
Raises head slightly
Holds hand in fist
Lifts head and chest while lying on stomach
Uses sucking, grasping and rooting reflexes
Rolls over
Reaches for and touches objects
Grasps and pulls things towards self
Sits without support
Stands unaided
Walks with aid
Picks objects up with thumb and one finger
See clearly within 13 inches
Focus on and follow moving object
Begins to anticipate events (for example sucking at the sight of a nipple)
Recognize faces
Responds to familiar sounds
Imitate gesture
Suck their own fingers
Observe their own hands
Look at the place on the body that is being touched
Can be comforted by a familiar adult
Respond positively to touch
Play peek-a-boo
Pay attention to own name
Smile spontaneously
Laugh aloud
Express several clearly differentiated emotions
Distinguish friends from strangers
Respond actively to language and gestures
Show displeasure at the loss of a toy
Feed themselves finger foods
Hold a cup with two hands and drink with assistance A baby identifies only with the raw feelings and desires he/she is having, like the desire to eat. He/she doesn't care in the least that their crying causes their parents to lose hundreds of hours of sleep during the first year. He/she just wants their food, drink, clean nappies, and to be held.
1-2 years
Walk alone
Walk backwards
Pick up toys from a standing position
Push and pull objects
Seat self in a child's chair
Walk up and down stairs with aid
Move to music
Paint with whole arm movement
Imitate adults' actions and language
Understand words and commands and respond appropriately
Begin to match similar objects
Recognize and identify familiar objects in storybooks with adult assistance
Distinguish between "you" and "me"
Recognize themselves in pictures or the mirror and smile or make faces at themselves
Show intense feelings for parents and show affection for other familiar people
Play by themselves and initiate their own play
Express negative feelings
Show pride and pleasure at new accomplishments
Imitate adult behaviors in play
Show a strong sense of self through assertiveness, directing others
Begin to be helpful, such as by helping to put things away
Helps others when they are upset by offering physical comfort
2-3 years
Run forward
Jump in place with both feet together
Stand on one foot, with aid
Walk on tiptoe
Kick ball forward
Respond to simple directions
Choose picture books, name pictured objects, and identify several objects within one picture
Group objects by category
Stack rings on peg in order of size
Identify themselves in the mirror, saying "baby" or their own name
Relate what they are doing to others
Observe and imitate more complex adult actions (for example, housekeeping play)
Show awareness of gender identity
Indicate toileting needs
Help to dress and undress themselves
Be assertive about their preferences and say no to adult requests
Begin self-evaluation and develop notions of themselves as good, bad, attractive, etc.
Show awareness of their own feelings and those of others, and talk about feelings
Experience rapid mood shifts and show increased fearfulness (for example, fear of the dark, or certain objects)
Display aggressive feelings and behaviors
Starts to show guilt for bad behavior
Children at this age make moral decisions strictly on the basis of self-interest
3-7 years
Posture is more erect; abdomen still large and protruding; increased spinal curve (because abdominal muscles are not yet fully developed)- Goes upstairs and downstairs without support
Kicks a ball forward
Catches bounced ball most of the time, with both arms extended Moves forward and backward with agility
Baby teeth may finish growing
Can peddle a bicycle with stabilizers Shows improved control of crayons or markers; uses