Child Development Plan Essay

Words: 476
Pages: 2

Development Plan:
When an observation has been conducted and the observations have been furthers discussed; it is important for a future development plan to be created for the child. Creating a future development plan can help guide educators or family members down the correct path to help further a child’s physical and psychosocial development.
In Jara’nas video life at three it is very difficult for Michelle to drop Jara’na of at childcare because of his separation anxiety. Although he is capable of attending childcare; better alternatives of his transition in from Michelle to childcare can be improved. This can be improved firstly creating a stronger bond between one or two of the educators and then secondly teach him that yes Michelle is going to work, but she will be back. Other ways of distracting can be arranging something he enjoys when he first arrives to childcare.
When Jara’na attends childcare, he is always improving his gross and fine motor skills. Life at one for Jara’na shows that he is able to retrieve items from the grocery bags, while also displaying good dynamic balance. However, the use of large parts of the body know how to be used but the motion of these large movements may be stiff like. To improve a child’s physical gross motor; playing outdoor activities can get them repeating the movement of their legs and arms. Repeating
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It is seen in Jara’na life at one film, that he capable of kneeing on a chair and being in control of feeding himself. Jara’na has a good control of using his pencil grip, while using the spoon to scoop up his food. He is able to lift the spoon up towards his mouth, but not every time is he able to direct it safely to his mouth. However, this can be improved by Jara’nas parents teaching his to use different spoons, hence in the video he is using a plastic