Child Labor

Words: 1468
Pages: 6

Child labor is a current problem that still occurs since the 20th century and affects millions of minors around the world. Youths under eighteen years old are being affected both physically and mentally from their jobs. Today, in the Eastern hemisphere especially in Africa, millions of kids are forced to work for their family because they do not have the enough money to provide for the things they need. The rise of child labor started in the late 1700s and the early 1800s when the Industrial Revolution began and many families did not had enough money to survive. Although youths have the opportunity to become mature at an early age, however they are not attending school and instead are working long extensive hours in very hazardous …show more content…
Minors are exposed to many dangerous conditions that can be toxic and sometimes deadly. According to an article "child labor" from Gale Student Resources in Context, “Children who work in gold mines are exposed to mercury, a toxin. In other industries chemical, machinery, excessive physical exertion, and long hours put children at risks of sickness, injury, and even permanent disabilities” (“Child Labor”). Even though, the kids might be earning money to support their parents, they still need to be safe because at any moment they could die from working in the horrible conditions and become disabled from a really bad injury such as losing an arm or a foot. Most of the youths that are currently working are from Africa and, those kids could get any kind of illnesses from the deadly toxins they are exposed to while working in gold mines and factories. According to an article written by Larry C. Price entitled, “One Million Children Labor in Africa’s Gold Mines” quoted, “The list of documented ills includes permanent lung damage caused by inhaling pulverized minerals, muscular and skeletal injuries, hearing loss, accidental blinding, and mercury poisoning with its attendant neurological damage” (Price). Not only are the youth exposed to these conditions that would ruined their life forever, but also they could die from extreme injuries they could get from the …show more content…
Child labor has been around since the 20th centuries and it is still remaining an issue to this day. Millions of minors are working around the world and that is a problem that should be sop before it keeps on getting worse. Instead of working, the kids need to be living their childhood because it is their only period of time were they just have to care about their school and not anything else. Child labor began during the Industrial Revolutions were many families did not had the money to provide for their own families. Children had to quit school and start working in order to provide to their families. Still this problem of poverty striking a family or even a country exist, where the kids also have to look for jobs too Child labor is a evil thing that people globally have to fix. The children's around the world deserve an education, a happy childhood and a healthy lives and not being forced to work in very terrible