Child Sports Research Paper

Words: 597
Pages: 3

Research Paper
Sports are appealing in many cases. But in multiple cases sports can be dangerous and intense for children. Although some parents and coaches have different opinions about their child's sport, injuries and stress are building up on these children.
There are many points of views on children's sports. Parents can either handle them greatly or some take the sport too far in the case of intensity for the child’s sport. Some parents actually think their kids are to into their sport. Also evolving their lives around a sport for some parents are intriguing or worth it. For example multiple parents have said there kids are spending multiple hours a day on a sport. But many parents push their children to hard. For example some parents even enroll or sign up their children at the age of 5 or 6 to competitive
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There have been “ 4 out of the 10 emergency room visits have from ages 5 to 14 years old have been threw sports related injuries”(Gordon 1). Children playing just one sport or even multiple at one time are likely to get injuries. Children can get severe injuries from not taking a break or even just playing their sport for hours a week. Children's bodies must rest for them to feel energized for what's ahead. Children are more likely to get injuries that have repeated and this is because there bodies are still in the process of growth. Children's injuries can be so severe that the child can not return to the sport or stop playing the sport for a copious amount of time. Injuries are often to be found in contact sports like football, rugby, lacrosse, and hockey. These contact sports can result in head injuries which are one of the worst places to be injured in. Head injuries can lead to concussions, memory lose and much more severe injuries that can scar or stay with a child for many years to come. In youth football there are countless injuries and especially head