Scenarios for the year ahead
Puneet Chhatwal, Steigenberger’s new CEO, shares his thoughts on the challenges in the year ahead
Dorchester Collection CEO Chris Cowdray on leadership
How will 2013 shape up for the key hotel markets worldwide ?
30 exclusive country reports from Horwath HTL
Special section : “Spa 2020”
Leading experts explore the next decade in the spa industry
How is your company visualizing its future business landscape ?
Woody Wade on scenario planning in the hotel industry
This excerpt from the Hotel Yearbook 2013 is brought to you by :
Wade & Company is a Lausanne-based consultancy that helps senior managers in the hospitality industry better understand how their future “business landscape” could change, affecting their competitiveness and creating new opportunities and challenges. Its scenario planning workshops give management teams a creative yet structured approach for envisaging alternative ways their future operating environment could realistically unfold over the next few years, depending on how current uncertainties develop. With these eye-opening insights, Wade & Company’s clients can maximize the flexibility of their strategic plans and be better prepared for whatever future dies arise. More info is at
Horwath Hotel, Tourism and Leisure consulting are the world’s number one hospitality consulting organisation, operating since 1915. Horwath HTL are the industry choice ; a global network offering complete solutions in markets both local and international. Through involvement in thousands of projects
Hotel, Tourism and Leisure
over many years, Horwath HTL have amassed extensive, in-depth knowledge and understanding of the needs of hotel & real estate companies and financial institutions.
Horwath HTL are the world’s largest consulting organisation specialised in the hospitality industry, with 50 offices in 39 countries. They are recognised as the pre-eminent specialist in Hotels, Tourism and Leisure, providing solutions through a combination of international experience and expert local knowledge.
With an exclusive focus on global hospitality and tourism, (the Hospitality Syndicate) provides electronic news publication, syndication and distribution on behalf of some 750 organizations in the hospitality vertical. Hsyndicate helps its members to reach highly targeted audience-segments in the exploding new-media landscape within hospitality. With the central idea ‘ONE Industry, ONE
Network’, Hsyndicate merges historically fragmented industry intelligence into a single online information and knowledge resource serving the information-needs of targeted audience-groups throughout the hospitality, travel & tourism industries… serving professionals relying on Hsyndicate’s specific and context-relevant intelligence delivered to them when they need it and how they need it.
China marches on…
ChIna’S hoSpItalIty InduStry IS reapIng the rewardS of the Current tourISm boom. analyStS are reportIng poSItIve market performanCe and reCord hotel ConStruCtIon pIpelIneS. IS thIS level of growth SuStaInable ? we aSked G iovanni anGelini, r etIred Ceo of ShangrI-la, founder of a nGelini
Hospitality a nd vICe ChaIrman-advISor to duSIt overSeaS Company, for hIS SeaSoned perSpeCtIve.
Let’s look at some facts. In 2010, China replaced Japan as the
HOtEL PErfOrMANCE 2012 vs. 2011
second largest economy in the world, and over the next decade
A recent survey shows that the overall sentiment remains
is expected to overtake the USA as the largest economy in
optimistic but with some caution. Little change is expected
purchasing power parity terms.
in occupancy percentage by year-end as compared to the previous year, while the ADR is anticipated to increase but not
In March 2011, the National People’s Congress approved
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