China's Great Emperor Research Paper

Words: 722
Pages: 3

China’s Great Emperor?

Qin Shi was a powerful man that united all of China in 221 BCE and became the first emperor of China. An amazing feat was it? Well, nope, Qin Shi Huang Di was a wicked many because he killed too many innocent people, treated a lot of his citizens poorly, and he was too selfish. You might say, “Well, he united China, why did these things happen?” Well, soon you will find out.
Qin Shi Huang Di killed a lot of people during his rule, one reason, he wanted total control of the country. One reason he killed people was because people created plots to try to kill him. The consequence was death to the people who made the plot and their families. But, this is not fair. One man’s fault for just making a plan but his family has to die? That is just killing innocent people! Maybe a family has a son that has a medical symptom and the son
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He had wanted too much of everything like his own tomb, his own chariots, his own terra-cotta army, etc. Nobody likes selfish person, especially one that is so selfish to be a ruler that he enslaves you to do things for him for free! Qin Shi Huang Di later was hated by all men and women inside this country because of his selfishness. He also wanted to build the great wall and even some people say, “Qin buried his slave citizens inside the wall!” but there is no proof to guarantee this.
Some people say that Qin did all of this for his citizens, to build a wall to protect them. But, these people don’t think. They should do a little analysis. Let's say IF Qin wanted to protect his citizens and be nice to them, why did he not use his own loyal soldiers to do that? Als also, when he used slaves, why did he not give them good food and tents/ houses? So, I can infer that Qin Shi Huang Di built the Great Wall for himself. He wanted to be famous (even to the other side of earth) and he wanted more protection so he could relax and have