Christian Worldview Research Paper

Words: 2493
Pages: 10

The Christian Worldview: There is forgiveness and grace through a divine and perfect God. Christianity is the relationship between God and humanity. The relationship between God and humanity was stained by sin through Adam. This left humanity in a state of being a slave to sin and death. However, God sent his son Jesus to Earth as a sacrifice for the sins of the world, so we may grow a perfect and holy relationship with him again. Through God’s grace, we are not only forgiven for our sins, but we are also given the opportunity for glorification in Heaven. In this essay, I will discuss the true nature of God, the fall of humanity, how Jesus restored humanity, and the foundations of the Christian Worldview. Jesus and The Trinity: The doctrine …show more content…
So what he has done in history comes to us” (Keller, 2012). Tim Keller explains how as God’s disciples, when we have faith in Jesus Christ we are getting his everlasting love and forgiveness given to us. The Old Testament sacrificial system, in which animals were sacrificed as sacrifices to atone for the sins of the people, is where atonement originated. But the Christian interpretation goes beyond these antiquated customs, viewing Jesus as the final and ideal sacrifice who perfectly satisfies the demands of the Old Testament law. The whole extent of atonement is achieved in the death of Jesus. It is believed that Jesus' crucifixion marked the completion of God's plan for salvation, in which he selflessly offered himself as the ultimate sacrifice in order to atone for humanity's sins. It is believed that Jesus performed this deed as a substitutionary sacrifice, taking on the sins of the world and the just penalty that mankind deserved. In his letter to the Romans, the apostle Paul expresses this feeling when he writes, "God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans