Christopher Columbus Research Paper

Words: 531
Pages: 3

Christopher Columbus and the Founding of America On August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail in order to find Asia but found new islands, which lead to the founding of North America and Central America. Cristopher Columbus’s exact date of birth is unknown but they do know that is was somewhere between August 25 thru October 31, 1451.He is one of three guys and he also has two sisters. He had many voyages but the most well-known was the fourth one. He took three ships with him the Nina, which was captained by Vicete Yanez, the Pinta, which as captained by Martian Pinzon, and the Santa Maria, which was captained by Cristopher Columbus. The voyage was long and had a large amount of deaths on the ships. They would sleep so close together you were practically breathing on someone every night you went to sleep. The women that were pregnant on the ship also gave birth on the ship. Each ship had 4 to 5 doctors on them. Many men died of the waste that they would not dispose of and the rodents that ran around the ship. The crew was on the edge of mutiny because Columbus was a cruel and unjust captain. Then they found land in the …show more content…
When Columbus landed he found natives and called them Indians because he thought he was somewhere around India at the time. Columbus knew little about the native people. The Europeans could not understand the natives so they called them savages or barbarians. The Indians were divided into many different cultures and had a very vast array of languages and costumes but they all were very advanced when it came to farming. They steadily improved upon farming by seed selection, soil culture, and the use of fertilizers. The raised many different crops such as sweet potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkins, peanuts, squash, and chili pepper. They were the ones to introduced tobacco to the Europeans. They also taught them how to grow corn.