Cigarettes Argumentative Essay

Words: 675
Pages: 3

Most of us have at least one area in our lives that we desire serious improvement. However, to embark on such a journey often proves to be a daunting task and one usually does not fully understand what it entails implementing change in our lives. Smoking cigarettes is an area in my life that inhibits my relationship with some of my family members, specifically my husband and children. As well serious health complication is linked to smoking, such as lung cancer, premature aging, and periodontal disease. Not to mention all of the carcinogens that go into the making of Cigarettes. Nevertheless, the urge to smoke and the immediate gratification seems to outweigh the consequences of the habit. For instance, using nicotine calms me down in times of stress, reduces my anxiety, and the taste is pleasurable.
Problem Definition and Exploration Cigarettes have been a part of my life for around thirty or so years, my parents, their parents, and all of their sibling smoke or have smoked at some point in
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In order to implement the change, first there must be commitment to the change process; such as setting goals that are realistic, measurable, and time sensitive. Moreover, one has to endure the craving of the nicotine, irritability, and mood swings. Therefore, one should gradually cut back on smoking, discuss the planned change with family and friends, and replace the habit with a healthier and fulfilling alternative. The anticipated times of difficulty practicing the change are social gatherings, during times of stress, when I consume alcohol, and driving in the