Civil Disobedience, in an essence, can be an effective tool for change because it allows protesters to voice their disagreements without the use of violence. With peaceful protesting, no bystanders are injured, no property is damaged, and no chaos ensues unless it is perpetrated by the opposing force. The opposite utilization of Civil Disobedience is known as 'Rioting', which generally generates more chaos and frustration without any real positive alterations occurring. The negativity caused by rioting is highly prevalent even in today's society. Despite the questionable evidence being presented by eyewitnesses during the 2014 shooting of Michael Brown, violent protesting quickly materialized which destroyed vehicles, small businesses, and private property, with the only result being an increase in racial division in our nation. People find it difficult to side with a group that exposes their anger through the use of insinuating destruction upon a city which had no relevance during the