Students are participating in a University that values student responsibility. Students enrolled in the course are 100% responsible for completing all steps of their homework assignments on time. It is not the professor’s responsibility to tutor or solve student issues in following and completing the exercise. Guidelines: Students submitting assignments after the due date/time, within 7 days of the due date, will receive a 25% deduction on their grade. The maximum possible grade will be 75%. There are no exceptions to this policy. Students submitting assignments after the cutoff date/time will receive a zero for the assignment. The maximum possible grade will be 0%. There are no exceptions to this policy. Students sometimes make the mistake of attaching and not submitting their assignments. Students must ATTACH and SUBMIT their assignments in e-learning. The professor and TA will only grade submissions found in E-learning. Students are encouraged to make sure they have a current browser with updated Java. Issues with e-learning can be resolved by contacting the e-learning team. Students are expected to work ahead and plan their submissions ahead of time to avoid any technical issues. Claims of technical issues will not be a sufficient excuse for turning in an assignment late. ERP assignments are challenging and require a large allocation of time each week. If students are not prepared to spend a large amount of time on the assignments, they should drop the course. All of the assignments have been tested well and work properly if the instructions are followed. If a student has an issue on an assignment they should reach out to their peer group for assistance.
Students can also attend the weekly lab for assistance. Assistance in the lab will require the student to prepare for that discussion with: o What they understand. o What they have completed