Cole's Struggle In Touching Spirit Bear

Words: 468
Pages: 2

Cole heard the loud crack of bones breaking in his forearm. Then the bear dropped him with a grunt. This is one example of why the novel, “Touching Spirit Bear,” is so action packed. Cole is a kid with a criminal background. He picks fights for the fun of it, he hurts people without giving a second thought to it, and causes trouble with no care in the world. Coles dad is the excuse behind why Coles does this. Cole’s dad has a bad drinking problem and when he gets drunk he beats Cole. Garvey is trying to help Cole in any way he can. Garvey shares a similar past with Cole and puts his best efforts into helping him and becoming his friend.

Peter snitched on Cole about robbing a Hardware store so Cole took the situation into his own hand and beat peter up and smashed his face on the sidewalk. Peter now struggles with speech and has bad nightmares. Because of the attack on Peter they are deciding either sending him to juvie or a special program called The Circle. In The
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While on the island he learns more than just to control his anger. He learns that he is not the toughest person on the planet after getting mauled by the Spirit Bear. This island is tropical with thunder storms almost striking him when he lay there unable to move after getting mauled by a bear. After fighting for his life for several days rescue is finally found. After they find his body laying on the shore, they take him back to a hospital that helps him recover. They wanted to send him home but even after all the trouble he’s been through at the island he wants to go back.

The novel, “Touching Spirit Bear,” is action packed because the characters all have issues they have to overcome because of Cole’s actions, the story is full of thrilling events such as Cole getting mauled by the Spirit Bear, and laying there for days just trying to survive, and the island is a hard place to survive