The Business Plan Template Summary is a working document created and supported by the ATA Business and Finance SIG work group. This document highlights the key steps of the SIG’s Business Plan template full version. The business plan formalizes the business and operational goals of the organization with detailed financial information. This template is a guide; the steps can be considered individually. Your business plan may have more focus on some areas and omit other sections. Fifteen Steps to assist in business plans and strategic planning for telehealth 1) Executive Summary • Decision makers will view this first, so the summary should attract their interest to continue reading the plan. • Provides a concise overview of the telehealth plan, ideally in one page • Last section to write after you have worked out the details of your plan 2) Introduction and Background • Why is the telehealth program being proposed? • Identify key players, current situation and how the telehealth program can provide a solution or improve your business. • Set measurable goals and objectives that align with mission and values of your organization • Establish mechanism to monitor goals with benchmarks 3) Needs and demand assessment • Evaluate both the consumer needs and demands. • Conduct focus groups and surveys, use internal and external research data. • Stakeholders and collaborative partners could include (but not limited to) patients, providers, insurance companies, educators, community and business leaders, legislators, legislative analysts, organizational management, utility and equipment providers, vendors, and other potential telehealth users. This matrix for partners should be evolving as the program develops. • Customer buy-in and demand is critical for successful telemedicine programs. 4) Services Plan Component • Determine how the services will be delivered. Examples: two-way interactive, real-time video, web-based applications, store-and-forward applications and wireless devices. • Determine how the services can be reimbursed. Examples: third party payers (Medicaid, Medicare and private insurance), service contract between two entities and grant funding. Models to consider are those that demonstrate cost savings to providers and insurance. • Technology requirements – It is important to determine the technical needs for applications at all sites, including staff resources and training.
Identify champions – This is a key element for successful telemedicine programs. It is important to identify clinical and administrative champions to gain stakeholder buy-in and to build collaborative relationships with internal and external partners.
5) Internal and External Assessment – An organizational assessment with SWOT analysis is suggested to evaluate strengths and weaknesses both internally and externally. Champions can be a great asset for conducting this evaluation. • SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) Strengths – Internal organization strengths. Consider developing programs with highest and best use for your organization that can leverage other programs. Consider integrated solutions for your organization and partners. These can enable a better return on investment and create programs with fewer or no subsidies. Weaknesses – Internal organization weaknesses. Examples: What are your barriers internally? How difficult is it to develop a program? Opportunities – External business opportunities. Evaluate market studies, what services are needed and what can you provide. What strategic partnerships exist and can be enhanced? Threats – External barriers to success. Customer readiness, may need to work with competitors to develop service line. Are stakeholders on board externally? 6) Marketing Plan Component – A market study will be required for most telehealth programs. Some aspects to consider are: • Market Segmentation – Review industry with similar services • Market