College Admissions Essay: The Passion That Changed My Life

Words: 480
Pages: 2

Ever since I was a little girl I loved school. I enjoyed learning new things and always followed the rules perfectly. And while I love reading and writing, science is my passion. I decided when I was eight years old that I would go to college to get a degree in entomology, the study of insects. That, along with my introverted personally, made making friends fairly difficult. But as a child I kept myself entertained, it didn’t start to bother me until middle school. Middle school is a difficult time for everyone, becoming teenagers, hitting puberty, and being different makes the process a lot harder. It was difficult to be known as ‘the bug girl’ by all of my classmates. Every day when I bug crawled across the floor, a female classmate would scream and point at it. Sometimes people would accuse me of bringing it in with me. Someone would eventually smash it with the sole of their shoe and everyone would laugh. One day, it backfired on my class mate. She called me over to her desk where a little white bug sat and asked me what it was. The entire class stared at me as I looked her in the eye and …show more content…
Intelligence and confidence is impressive. I can’t say that I did anything outstanding against those who didn’t understand my interests, I stayed with my passion and simply ignored them. It was a natural process that as we matured we came to value things like intelligence, talent, and diversity. Four grades are mingled together and opportunities are everywhere. Clubs, sports and classes connect people with similar interests together. In past years, you were stuck with your classmates every day for eight hours all year, but in high school it is easy to remove toxic people from your life. They might be in an hour and a half class every other day but that’s it, and there are 15 other students in the class to sit next to. Cutting people out and remaining true to yourself is the best way to be happy and