College Admissions Essay: The Passion That Changed My Life

Words: 701
Pages: 3

I dream in color as I think in patterns. I'm thrilled by the way that the falling sun casts its rosy light across the sky in the same way that I'm inordinately satisfied when a function proves to factor evenly and cleanly. Creativity and reason coexist within me, when elsewhere they are considered opposites. It's taken me a long time to realize this, and even longer to realize how I've embraced it and how essential it is to who I am. When I was younger, the two felt separate. My world consisted of wishing on shooting stars to be a princess and dreaming about worlds found in between pages. There were so many days that my parents would come home from work to find me in the middle of the floor, working on an art project I had …show more content…
I've always been more comfortable with my reason side because I can prove my worth with calculations and numbers. My creativity has never been as simple. I've always had a hard time being confident in my art because is it so thoroughly subjective that it makes me uncomfortable. Then I realized that the point of art is to love making it, and releasing that stress allowed me to create in a way that had more thought and personal love in it that I could be proud of my work, regardless of what others …show more content…
I want to use my experience with the endless stack of instruction booklets to make my own rules, my own steps. That's the thing about math and science: you work for so long building upon foundations and climbing to higher and higher levels, then you hit the sky. The open space where you are free to take what you know and see what you can do with it; what you dare to do with it. Arriving at the point where the rules bend and break is terrifying, especially to someone like me who has clung to them so tightly. However, arrival at that place was inevitable the moment I found myself impassioned by these fields, and I've found that I'm okay with