College Degree Debt

Words: 760
Pages: 4

Going to college is always in the mind of every senior as their graduation starts to inch closer. However, many high school students began to question on the reliability of college, since it requires significant amount of money and time. Students today start to become hesitant as they realize the amount of debt a single degree could result, consequently, leading to a steady decline of students going to college. The investment of a college degree, however, is worth incurring a significant debt because it provides benefits and opportunities in order to be successful in life.
To begin with, incurring a significant amount of debt for a college degree is worthwhile because it results in a higher income. In an American community survey, degrees higher than a Bachelor’s is proven to earn double (even triple) than the average $30,000 earned by those without a degree (U.S. Dept. of Commerce). Typically, those who earn more are more financially stable and can afford their necessity with the addition of personal indulgences, such as a vacation, or a new device, while those without, would be
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As the financial advisor in a newspaper article called “Dear Money-Pro,” the author writes that college graduates are “More likely to find job opportunities and be employed” and are “More likely to get health care coverage and other benefits through their work” (Source 4). Having a college degree in our current times opens our window of opportunities in this harsh world. A majority of employers’ value higher education since it proves our dedication and motivation to pursuit the degree, compared to those who seem less desirable without it. Having a college degree would result in having a reliable job due to my credentials of that specific field and could help support a productive and proactive lifestyle through the opportunities provided, such as retirement coverage, or medical